Saturday, October 20, 2007

The reality of it all...

Scrapbooking isn't all about baby pictures and family photos, it's also about the reality of it all. I did this page as a reminder of my latest, and hopefully my last hospitalization for bipolar....

The journaling read:
Up close life isn't perfect...
it's a prayer or two
or three short;
it sometimes hangs on the fringe;
especially when out of meds,
out of balance,
out of God.
Up close I was terrified,
running 1000 mph on empty...
From a distance, I was ok.
I little on the skittish, flakey side.
Up close, it was the means to an end...
I no longer had control.
Time to give it to God, and the staff
@ Sierra Vista.

1 comment:

KR said...

BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG hugs to you!!!!!! with bad OCD and panic attacks, I can feel you to an extent, and I'm so sorry you're going through all this! I'm here if you need to talk or a shoulder to lean on.... HUGS!